Friday, November 25, 2005

Google Earth

My bootcamp My Home
Lately my co-workers have been playing with google earth, but sadly it doesn't not support MAC. Why? Why?? So I have to borrow my friend's Microsoft in order to find my home in Taichung. The picture on the right is a snapshot of my family's house. The picture on the left is the military base (which didn't take long to find...) I stayed at for one whole month. The 2nd division is where I spent most of my time.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Back in Business

Hi everyone, I am back again. Haven't been doing much for the past few weeks. I figure it's about time to post again. This past weekend I went out with few friends from the exchange student period. We went to this jazz bar called Brown Sugar. It's probably the best jazz club in Taipei area, they have musicians all the way from Las Vegas, and many other places from the state. Luckily my friend's friend paid for everything. Otherwise I would be broke that night. I think we opened at least 5 bottles of champagne. We even got to meet the boss, it's always good to know someone that works at restaurant. I will have no problem getting a seat now, ha. After that, I went to this club called Luxy. One of the guy in my office just finished his service last week, so he decided to host a part. Originally he planned to have his party at this club called Room 18 at 10:30, but one by one decided not to come at the end. So we had to give up our VIP room, which was so hard to reserve at first place. I think there were about 60 of us, but only I showed up. It was just sad, but it was ok. I had fun there. Met a lot of new people, and got to see what a club really looks like. That was a new experience. I don't know if I really like it, but at least I had fun while I was there.
That's my latest update. My grandpa's funeral will be next Monday the 28th, and I will be taking a long break for that. I am sort of excited to see all the family members to gather again.
Miss you all, Sean.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Too busy to post any messages!!

Hi all,
Sorry I havent been updating my blog, I am too busy and tired of my job, and at the same time I am busy dealing with my grandpa's death on Oct 31. He past away peacefully at his home at 5:15 that morning. I am sad that he has left us, but glad that he doesnt have to deal with the pain anymore. He is at a better place now.
I have many pictures to post on the web, dont know when I will get a chance. I will try to put them up asap.