Sunday, March 26, 2006

Back to my daily life!!

It has been a week since Taryn went back to the State, and I am back to the normal boring daily life. Well, it's the working part that's boring, but during the weekend I tried to keep myself entertain. You can usually find me at two spots in Taipei, one is the Sushi Express. Personally, I cannot live without raw fish and ginger pickle. I have to go there every weekend just to ease my raw fish crave, otherwise I might start shaking... just kidding.
The other place is the Eslite bookstore, which opens 24hrs all year long. I am not so much of book reader, just like to go to there and skim through all the book covers + people watching. Every once a while I might find something interesting, and worth a while to read. One thing I like about that place is they offer hard to find DVDs and great music selection. This place is very similar to Barnes and Noble but without the pop music selection.
I happened to came across the alternative music section yesterday. I was curious, picked up the headphone and played few songs from the machine. Without knowing what was playing from the player, I recognized the vocal voice from one of the CD I have. It was Belle and Sebastian. I was surprised to find their CD there. I drove all over the city trying to find their CD, didn't expect to find it at a bookstore. I really thought they don't exist around here. And hey, I got the CD for NT360 (11 something us), and there are 2 CDs inside !! Good deal, the same thing would have cost me twice in the state.
This afternoon, I decided to go back for the treasure hunt again, and bought few more CDs. This band, Niza, from Spain. It's pretty sweet. You can check them out !!, there is also a audio/video website. Also this band, The Innocence Mission, it's pretty good too. Of course, I finished the day with few dishes of nigiri at the Sushi Express, and had a nice walk back home in light rain. It was a good day over all.