Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Avon

Avon's birthday was on the 19th, so I guess this message is about an week late.. but I still want to say Happy Birthday Avon!
Avon's 24th B-day At DOZO

Aunt and couins' visiting!!

Cousins Arena, Tracy and Aunt Cici came home and visited the family for few weeks. It has been so long since I saw any of them. They live in CA currently. I was hoping they would come up to Taipei, so I could show them around, but too bad never got a chance to. Though it was still nice to see them back in Taichung during the past few weekends.

Arean, Tracy, my sister Lisa, and I

Joe's visiting!!

My high school friend, Joe, came to visit Taiwan few weeks ago. I can’t remember when was the last time we saw each other...