Sunday, August 20, 2006

It's a Girl!!

My cousin 嘉惠 Jia-Huei had a baby girl on August 11th at 8:30 am. The baby has really long fingers and toes, and doesn't cry much at all! We tried really hard to wake her up, but she only opened her eyes for a second and peeked at us. I was surprised we didn’t p.o. the baby when we did that..

My cousin 嘉惠's (Jia-Huei)  new baby!!! It's a Girl!!

My cousin 嘉惠's (Jia-Huei)  new baby!!! It's a Girl!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Someone find me one of this!!

Adidas? Qee?? Collector edition? What more do I have to say.......