Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Boring classes...

Well, this morning we had the computer and internet user rules class. They are all basic rules; do not put random files in the government's database, especially mp3s and porn files. And of course no illegal software installed on every computers. And update your virus database everyday, and make sure you scan your computer daily. One thing I didn't understand was why they don't have any junk email protection what so ever. I could just send a virus into any of my co-workers' email accounts and the entire system would be screwed pretty bad. They don't scan through all the emails either. It seems pretty dumb.
This afternoon we had the government's purchasing law class. It was about how the bidding process work when the purchase exist certain amount, and how you can get all the forms you need and how to apply for it. Great, like we are ever going to get to spend some government money... Don't think so. Though I learned how much governments waste on random projects a day. ( I think it's a secret.. So I won't mention it here.) The most boring part was when the teacher started to read through the entire law book. There are about 120 articles in there, I think he spent about 3 hours reading those articles words by words. None of those words went into my head at all, I don't even know where I was all those time. Anyway, the whole class was dreadfully boring.
Oh yeah, on top of the boring day, I owed IRS shit loads of money. It sucks, but what can I do. I cannot really go to the court and appeal since I am half way across the world. I think from now on I am going to take care of my personal letters instead of asking someone to fill it up for me. Not only I didn't get the tax return back this year, but also have to pay a large amount back to the IRS. ua. -_-'''' ~ I will make those money back sometimes in the future. I will.


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