Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Boring Day & Boring Night

Well, today went by quickly. We didn't do much today. We learned how to write official papers and letters to other departments for 3 hours straight. And in the afternoon, they taught us what kind of mistakes people usually make when they write. That's what we did for the whole day. Boring isn't it?
Many of us, including me, have been sick for the past two and half weeks. So our officers decided it's about time to sanitize our living area. After dinner, we cleaned our entire dorm. We bleached all the surface that we come to contact with. We did that for about an hour. And now here I am, sitting here and blogging. It's so boring around here.... Computer and TV are our only entertainment in the dorm.
Anyway, I took couple pictures of our surrounding areas. There is this temple across the street called Sky-Walker Temple, which my friend told me to translate into.
Sky-Walker Temple at night
Morning shot of the temple.
Sky-Walker Temple
I also took this picture of the intersection.
Street View from Our Dorm


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