Thursday, September 29, 2005

Our last Tai-Chi, and last day of training courses.

Today we finished all our training courses. Tomorrow morning we will get the official result from the exam we took earlier tonight, and we will get to choose which departments to go into according to our placing from the exam. I really don't know where I am going to end up, but I am hoping to get into the investigating department. Probably because they told us we will learn more there. On top of that I have to fight with 18 other people for 6 spots in that dept, so I really hope I got good grade on my exam. Wait for the good news tomorrow everyone!
I was ordered to take pictures this morning during our Tai-Chi class, so I have some 80 pictures to post. But I think I will just put this one. It's our group shot. The guy in white polo-shirt is our boss, the lady is our Tai-Chi teacher, and the other two guys are our head executives. The rest of the guys in white T-shirt are my future co-workers. There are three lawyers, one accountant, and the rest are all business related majors. ( I am the only one that have a non-business related major ~ Statistics.) Most of us are from the US and Canada. Only one is from France, and three are from Taiwan.
group shot


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