Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas~ Alone in Taipei but! Best Christmas Gift ever!

This Christmas was lonely for me, it didn't quite go the way I want it to be. I went to a movie, The Promise, and had dinner with few friends. It wasn't really fun at all, probably 'cause everything cost too much. The movie ticket was 10 dollar, and it was reduced to military special already. Don't even want to mentioned the meal I had. I didn't really enjoy it too much. The weekend before Christmas, I went out and snapped some pictures. Lately I have been walking around the city with a camera on my hand. Trying to capture Taipei, trying to understand Taipei.
Taipei 101Taipei 101
I called Taryn's parents on Christmas eve while it's already Christmas here. It was nice to hear from everyone again, knowing that everyone is well and safe. Good to know that those two little kids are growing up and still remember me.
Also I received the best Christmas gift, well, I wouldn't be able to get it until March. Taryn decided to come visit!! Yeah!! I was so happy that I want to jump on the bed.. But I didn't, cause the bed here is too shitty. I really miss her!! Thanks Taryn. Love U.
Christmas Tree 101-2
新光Christmas Tree


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