Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Birthday Boy.

Finally, the special day I have been waiting for 7 years.
Birthday cake
It has been 7 years since I celebrate my b-day in my home country. Unfortunately, I had to celebrate this day away from home at the alternative conscription dorm, without my family, girlfriend, good friends of mine, and many many other people that I miss every day of my life. My sister's b-day is today as well, Rick's b-day is tomorrow, Sonja's b-day is coming soon, too. I am soooo going to miss the joined B-day party this year :( . Well, I am going to miss Thanksgiving, Christmas and many many other gatherings. I really miss that, really miss hanging out with you guys. I miss those two kids' noise too ~ Hi Tanner and Hunter. GOOD NEWS for you all, they have shorten the serving time down to 1 year a 6 months now. Hopefully they will have the same law again on Jan 1st 2007. In that case, I will be able to get out by Dec 31th, 2006. I can still go visit you all before winter break end for everyone. Otherwise I will get out on Feb 11th, 2007. I don't think it's that long at all.
I have been working for two days already. Everything went fine, for some reason my boss likes my Chinese writing. I always thought I have really really bad Chinese performance in any sort of way. My family think Taryn has better hand writing than I do. Well, I can't really complain, can I.
I was on duty this past weekend while there was a typhoon passing by, trust me, it was not fun at all. I had to watch the 5th & 8th floor by myself. I was lucky that no window was broken, and the building is still standing tall.
Here are some pictures to share with you all. I actually bought the cake myself to share with all my buddies at the dorm. (JUST SO they wouldn't do anything bad to me on my b-day...)
B-day 1
Made my wishes for the year, and blew off the candle. (The candle is a question mark)
B-day 2
I went out for an hour with Avon and her brother for dinner at near by restaurant.
Dinner with friends

Wish you are here, Taryn. Love you.


Blogger 知更鳥 said...

Hey! Happy Be-lated Birthday!

3:58 PM  

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