Monday, December 19, 2005

The End

My grandpa's funeral was hosted on November 31st. It was probably one of my saddest days of my life. All the family members gathered, at least 300 hundreds people came to the ceremonies. It was decorated with hundreds of lilies and many different kinds of flowers. Never in my life I saw my uncles, aunts, and my dad cried so bad. My dad looked so tired because he has been watching over my grandpa for the past three years. After my grandpa had passed away, he was busy running around trying to take care of the funeral. I feel happy for him that he doesn’t have to drive to the hospital everyday now, at the same time I feel happy for my grandpa. He finally rested in peace. No more pain, no more tubes in his throat, no more medication. Just lying there peacefully.
Many weird things happened too during the month of funeral. In Chinese culture, Buddhism believes that on the 7th day for 49 days straight, the soul will come back to the family house and visit everyone. So on each 7th day we have to have a ceremonies for my grandpa. During the ceremony, they Buddha Priest (don’t know how I should call them.) anyway, they asked the “spirit” question by tossing two coins. One head and one tail means “yes”, two heads means “happy”, two tails means “no”. And to get a confirmed “yes” you need to get three of it in a row. Personally I am a statistics major, and even I don’t believe statistics can explain the outcome for all the tossing. For example, the last ceremonies on the 49th day, the Buddha nun was trying to ask my grandpa if he is ready to go to the “Eastern World ~ Heaven”, she just kept getting “no”. She then started to “talk” to my grandpa in weird language. Well, she didn’t really talk. She just kept getting hack ups. After talking to him, she then asked if he didn’t finish saying something important. We got “happy”. At the ended, after many many “no”s, she asked a question “Do you want your wife here in front of you so I can pass the message on to her?“. For some reason, we got three “yes” in a row. After my grandma came over and the nun passed her the message, we never got any "no" in the later ceremony. There are many similar situations, it was just a odd experience. Science or spiritual?
Also, I used to hear people said that when someone in the family passed away. Black cats will come over everyday, and it really came. It came every 7th day when we are having the ceremony, and even the day of the funeral. People also believe that it’s bad luck for the black cat to jump over the body, so the day before the funeral, we had many people guarding my grandpa body. Try not to let the cat getting close. Old saying says the body “might” starts to walk…. Yeah, like becoming alive. What a great news for me… I happened to be one of the guards that night. Cats did try to come over few times, but we managed to scare them away. It was just a scary night for me.
Well, I am happy for me grandpa. The nun passed on the message saying that he is happy and living well. I really hope he is!! I feel bad I didn’t spend enough time at the end of his life. All these years I was in the state, trying to finish my degree. I really hope he get to see my graduated picture, but he never really got a chance to.

East meets West
Grandpa's Funeral


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