Thursday, September 29, 2005

Our last Tai-Chi, and last day of training courses.

Today we finished all our training courses. Tomorrow morning we will get the official result from the exam we took earlier tonight, and we will get to choose which departments to go into according to our placing from the exam. I really don't know where I am going to end up, but I am hoping to get into the investigating department. Probably because they told us we will learn more there. On top of that I have to fight with 18 other people for 6 spots in that dept, so I really hope I got good grade on my exam. Wait for the good news tomorrow everyone!
I was ordered to take pictures this morning during our Tai-Chi class, so I have some 80 pictures to post. But I think I will just put this one. It's our group shot. The guy in white polo-shirt is our boss, the lady is our Tai-Chi teacher, and the other two guys are our head executives. The rest of the guys in white T-shirt are my future co-workers. There are three lawyers, one accountant, and the rest are all business related majors. ( I am the only one that have a non-business related major ~ Statistics.) Most of us are from the US and Canada. Only one is from France, and three are from Taiwan.
group shot

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Boring Day & Boring Night

Well, today went by quickly. We didn't do much today. We learned how to write official papers and letters to other departments for 3 hours straight. And in the afternoon, they taught us what kind of mistakes people usually make when they write. That's what we did for the whole day. Boring isn't it?
Many of us, including me, have been sick for the past two and half weeks. So our officers decided it's about time to sanitize our living area. After dinner, we cleaned our entire dorm. We bleached all the surface that we come to contact with. We did that for about an hour. And now here I am, sitting here and blogging. It's so boring around here.... Computer and TV are our only entertainment in the dorm.
Anyway, I took couple pictures of our surrounding areas. There is this temple across the street called Sky-Walker Temple, which my friend told me to translate into.
Sky-Walker Temple at night
Morning shot of the temple.
Sky-Walker Temple
I also took this picture of the intersection.
Street View from Our Dorm

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Boring classes...

Well, this morning we had the computer and internet user rules class. They are all basic rules; do not put random files in the government's database, especially mp3s and porn files. And of course no illegal software installed on every computers. And update your virus database everyday, and make sure you scan your computer daily. One thing I didn't understand was why they don't have any junk email protection what so ever. I could just send a virus into any of my co-workers' email accounts and the entire system would be screwed pretty bad. They don't scan through all the emails either. It seems pretty dumb.
This afternoon we had the government's purchasing law class. It was about how the bidding process work when the purchase exist certain amount, and how you can get all the forms you need and how to apply for it. Great, like we are ever going to get to spend some government money... Don't think so. Though I learned how much governments waste on random projects a day. ( I think it's a secret.. So I won't mention it here.) The most boring part was when the teacher started to read through the entire law book. There are about 120 articles in there, I think he spent about 3 hours reading those articles words by words. None of those words went into my head at all, I don't even know where I was all those time. Anyway, the whole class was dreadfully boring.
Oh yeah, on top of the boring day, I owed IRS shit loads of money. It sucks, but what can I do. I cannot really go to the court and appeal since I am half way across the world. I think from now on I am going to take care of my personal letters instead of asking someone to fill it up for me. Not only I didn't get the tax return back this year, but also have to pay a large amount back to the IRS. ua. -_-'''' ~ I will make those money back sometimes in the future. I will.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Starting my own Blog..

Finally, I gave blog a try. So far I don't think I have any problem with this system yet. I have been doing well here in Taiwan. It has been 87 days since I came back from US. Life has changed so much in the past three months. First, I was glad I got to spend some time with my girlfriend Taryn before I have to go to the army. We didn't really get to travel much of Taiwan due to the weather. It was either too hot or too much rain...stupid typhoon. But over all I really enjoyed that month and a half. We had so many great moments together.
I got called up on August 11th unexpectedly, and went to the boot camp for 30 days. T and I were surprised that the government would call me up so early. T had to stay in Taiwan alone with my family for a week. I felt bad, but I had to do what I got to do. I wish I could say goodbye to her and be with her for at least one more week. It happened all too soon in a few days. I didn't have any extra time to react to the fact that I won't be able to see Taryn until Feb of 2007. The fact didn't hit me until one typhoon night at the boot camp. I was alone, in a dark dark night, thinking that Taryn has left. She flew away, and I cannot see her everyday like I used to. Won't be able to find that warm hand to hold on to when I am cold at night. It hit me hard, so hard my heart hurt. But I took it as a man, and thought I need to finish this army thing. If I never get this thing done, I would never be a freeman. I need to stay strong.
Boot camp went by quickly, man was I glad to get out of that hell hole. That wasn't made for human to live in at all. I took it, and I lived through it. I was amazed that I actually finished the entire training. After that, I started my job training. We are into our final week of class now, and there will be an exam this Thursday. I haven't really decided which department I want to go into yet, but no matter where I go, I am sure I will be learning something useful. Oh yeah, I am currently working at Taiwan International Trade commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs. We mostly deal with WTO affairs, and domestic trading affairs. I like this place so far. Co-workers are all friendly and helpful. Next Monday we will start working as a formal government workers. It's going to a new challenge in my life. I actually have to work now... No more free meals.
I will try to post messages or photos whenever I have time, feel free to leave me messages or comments. Keep in touch, and come visit too.

Taryn ~ Love you so much and miss you every seconds of my life.