Saturday, October 01, 2005

Starting my job on Monday.

Finally we finished three weeks of training courses, and I also decided which department to go. I choose the investigating department. The reason I decided to go there is because I do not want to waste my time around here at ITC. I will get to help investigating some safeguarding cases, and hopefully I will learn some skills that are not taught at the university. I am also in charge of the alternative conscription affairs. And maybe some random stuff...
My parents came to the graduation lunch last Friday. They visited the office, classroom, and our dorm. While they were in our dorm, many of my friends came up and told them to stop me from folding my blanket like a square tofu everyday. First picture below shows me standing next to my bed (the bottom one) ~ Wait until you see what I was laughing at.
This is what's on the other side of my bed. Tons of my buddies were asking/pleasing my parents to stop me from folding such square blanket. If I keep folding it this way, all of them will probably get yell at for being slacking off. I swear to god, I didn't really try hard to do this. They really make me worry that I might have OCD.....
Well, here is the family photo.
family pic


Blogger Taryn said...

Jeez Sean, you're so skinny!
It's hot, don't get me wrong.
Love you

5:33 AM  

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