Thursday, December 29, 2005

So the day goes on....

It has been a while since I wrote anything on my blog. Yes, I have been slacking off. Sorry!! My work has been kind of up to down lately. Sometimes I just feel like running away from this boring place. I found it was hard to manage a group of people, also hard to deal with unreasonable people. What is rule? What is law? What is bs? I want to ask them. I finally let it all out last night and went head to head with my dorm manager last night. I didn't care if he was going to report me, or even punish me. I just can't stand someone that talks about rules and doesn't obey them. I was like a monster, coming out of cage, biting him so hard that he couldn't even stand up again. (I didn't really bite him, more like yelling) Maybe I over did it a little, but I just couldn't help it. He smokes in his room, which is totally not allowed. I asked what if your room start on fire, who is responsible? I never got an answer. There were few more things that we argued about, but pretty much he tried to explain himself to avoid admitting the faults. After my opening fire, my buddies started to questioning him more. Over all, many of our problems got solved. It's just that people was surprised I, The Nice Sean Lai, stood up and started to yell at the dorm manager. My blood pressure was high, my head was dizzy, my hair was probably smoking, and my eyes was probably fiery red. At the end, it was a peaceful ending. He admitted some of this fault, and we took some of our rights back. We won, but I don't know if this is just the beginning of our nightmare, or if this is the happy ending.
There are still more unreasonable managements in this department, and many of us are trying to reason with the big boss, who has been working here for the past 12 years. For 12 years, he never got promoted. Why? I wonder... I feel pity for him, I feel sorry for him. I think he needs to go to a psychologist. He actually wrote "disloyal, not righteous, unkind" on someone's official department transferring letter. He thinks people who try to get promoted and leave this place is trying to betray him. He is old, he can stay here and get paid until he retired if he want, BUT he shouldn't stop someone, who is not even 30 and has the ability to get higher achievement than he can ever reached, from leaving this shit hole.
I don't know how long I can stand him...
to be continued...


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